
Photos and stories about running, architecture, travel and music, with a Cantabrigian accent.

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Location: Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Friday, July 07, 2006

Vegas, baby

Making a hasty effort to catch up on blog-worthy news of the last month, I noticed that I had failed to post anything about my late June trip to Vegas. This trip was of note in part because I felt like I made a breakthrough in my post-menisectomy running, thanks largely to the almost complete lack of good outdoor running options in the center of Vegas, combined with the presence of a excellent gym at Caesar's Palace where I was staying. I set a new personal record for treadmill running - 6 miles - which was also my longest post-surgery run at the time.

Culinary highlights of the trip included dinner at Rosemary's restaurant. For once I got off the strip, thanks to the diligent research of a fellow foodie and conference goer. Not only was the food great, but I got to experience first hand just how very far Vegas sprawls into the desert - when you drive through strip malls for 10 miles it feels like a long way.

Time pressure prevents me for a more full discussion of the architectural merits of Vegas - although arguably they are almost all visible in the photo at the top of the post.

On a very loosely related note, the much anticipated wedding described in an earlier post took place 2 days before my Vegas trip and went off quite well. However, none of the 15 songs that I submitted to the DJ-du-jour (DJ Durutti aka Matt) made it to the "now playing" spot until after I had retired for the night. The vicissitudes of Matt's job were well captured in Charley's blog post.