Duty called, and I answered. The assignment was to attend a conference in Cannes, on the Cote d'Azur, in mid-December. Reluctantly I agreed to tear myself away from the Boston winter to stay at the splendid Hotel Majestic (above, not to be confused with the majestic Hotel Splendid down the street) for a few days.

The first highlight was to stumble on "La Cave", pictured above, for dinner on the first night. It was a perfect place to have a jetlagged solo dinner, and my entertainment for the evening was provided by the staff in the open kitchen.
The food was outstanding and although I had been cautioned not to expect too much from Provencal wine, I was pretty happy with the local product.
The obvious running option in Cannes is along the beachfront, and I ended up running there each day. It's about 5 miles to the next town, and there is an uninterrupted footpath all the way along the road beside the beach. In summer it might be a bit crowded but in December there wasn't much problem dodging the occasional pedestrian. The beach itself was a bit soft to run on for long, and in places the ocean came all the way to the seawall anyway, but one could jog on the sand for some variety (and I did.)