
Photos and stories about running, architecture, travel and music, with a Cantabrigian accent.

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Location: Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Monday, February 11, 2008

Winter Running

Cantabloggia spent the last week in Paris, where the daytime temperature was consistently around 10C (50F) making for a great week of running in shorts. Pictured above are the Tuileries gardens, where quite a few of my miles were logged. Arriving back in Boston late last night via the "route amusante" of Paris-Philadelphia-Boston (thank you Air France for cancelling the direct flight and reminding me why I never fly with you) I was greeted with an Arctic front and temperatures dropping into the teens Farenheit (let's say -10C) which was a bit of a shock to the system. But marathon training waits for no man, so it was out with the extra thermal layers this morning to log some miles on the Boston marathon course. Route map below.

Interestingly, running down the notorious Heartbreak Hill into the wind was slower than running up it with the tailwind. Let's hope for a similar wind speed and direction, if not temperature, on Patriots Day.


Blogger Unknown said...

Nice map!

1:10 PM  

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